
Guess I will be more regular here from now :-).  Funny how more the things change more they remain the same. Well what can you do, take a deep breath and “move on”. Sometimes I think everything is a big joke, completley absurd, in fact I think it most of the time.  So what will you do now P?

Don’t know really,  I guess you know I am kind of programmed for this. Just this delicate balance, I mean something between sadness and a deep sense of loss. But I don’t think I can take it more enough. But hey I am better off with it than without it. So there.

La vita è bella

I think about something and smile. I want everyone to be happy. I feel I am almost drunk, things look so much better when you find a solution. I have seen worse, I have come through. I am the Phoenix, I will rise again from my ashes. For now La vita è bella. 🙂


Dil Hi toh hai….

Nice Poem

This be the Verse—Philip Larkin

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.
They may not mean to, but they do.
They fill you with the faults they had
And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn
By fools in old-style hats and coats,
Who half the time were soppy-stern
And half at one another’s throats.

Man hands on misery to man.
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as early as you can,
And don’t have any kids yourself.

General Nonsense

Am I confused or just too cautious.


Yeah I know long time. Have been busy. Well thats only partly true, I also didn’t had anything to write.

Anyway things have been okay, with a little hiccup here and there :). Car is doing well, though I seem to be burning a lot fuel, just today I noticed that my tank is almost empty and I filled it only on Sunday!!! Reading has definitely suffered, haven’t finished a single book that I started since the last post. Am not planning to buy “A White Tiger”, firstly because I don’t think I will finish it and very likely it will join the “The Inheritance of loss” in the dusty box that I keep for unread (not likely to be read in near future) books. But I think most imporatantly I don’t think I can digest another, look-there-is-so-much-wrong-with-India book, I already know enough things that are wrong with India.

More later going for lunch now. And I think normal service is resumed now. 🙂

A great comic strip

Funny strip

I love xkcd 🙂

The year that was

As a rule I update my blog at least once a month. I almost missed this time, nevertheless here I am :). Having taken off from office today, I have ample time to procrastinate and reflect (both happen to be my favorite activities). Yesterday I came to know that one of my classmates is getting married despite opposition from his parents, I am a bit surprised at this I always found him a bit meek.

Anyway I am supposed to write about the year that was, for me. Well I changed jobs, city and my blog :). So it was year of changes for me, though I am yet to get used to this city. I like wordpress.

I am not sure what to expect from 2008. I am just taking things as they come.

Wishing you all a Happy new year.

A nice Song

I found a nice song while surfing channels 🙂 . You can listen to it here . The song’s title is Khoya Khoya Chand. Oh and I am watching the trilogy. And I must say I am thoroughly impressed. 🙂

Another Holiday !!

Today we have another holiday. I don’t know when is diwali, mom tells me its on Friday, but the smartass HR at our office have declared holiday today. Not that it makes any difference to me, anyway I find the noise of crackers annoying 😀 Though things were different when I was a kid, I used to fight with parents to get as many crackers as possible 🙂

But I seriously think that nowadays the noise from the crackers is getting too much. Maybe its due to the population, whatever but its turning into a big nuisance now, only today there was one assholes bursting cracking at 6 am in the morning just below my house!!

Anyway I will go and get a bottle of Vodka today, for my diwali celebrations. 🙂