A nice Song

I found a nice song while surfing channels 🙂 . You can listen to it here . The song’s title is Khoya Khoya Chand. Oh and I am watching the trilogy. And I must say I am thoroughly impressed. 🙂

Another Holiday !!

Today we have another holiday. I don’t know when is diwali, mom tells me its on Friday, but the smartass HR at our office have declared holiday today. Not that it makes any difference to me, anyway I find the noise of crackers annoying 😀 Though things were different when I was a kid, I used to fight with parents to get as many crackers as possible 🙂

But I seriously think that nowadays the noise from the crackers is getting too much. Maybe its due to the population, whatever but its turning into a big nuisance now, only today there was one assholes bursting cracking at 6 am in the morning just below my house!!

Anyway I will go and get a bottle of Vodka today, for my diwali celebrations. 🙂


Well we got an unexpected holiday today, actually it was not that unexpected, only I didn’t knew about it before. 😀 I am not sure what to cook today for lunch, there is no milk or maggie, and I feel too lazy to go down.

There is a packet of ready to cook pasta lying around, maybe I will try it. Though I don’t like pasta, well lets see. Finally I have got some real work to do at office. My counterpart in US is slight nut case, he copies my manager and my manager’s manager in every mail he sends to me. I don’t get it. I never did anything like it in Veritas in fact it was considered a bit strange it someone copied their managers in the mails, it implied a very officious and unfriendly tone.

No matter what, in Veritas there was a lot of camaraderie between us and the Mountain View team, which strangely is lacking here. Maybe its just in our team. I don’t know.

Another weird thing happened, since I have lost my phone I see a lot of people carrying that model phone around. I mean WTF. Earlier I never saw a SINGLE person using the model as mine, now I have seen 2 people in one day. WTF is that supposed to mean. I think subconsciously I am looking for my phone, so images which were previously discarded by my brain without processing are now taken in and processed at a high priority :P.

My reading has suffered lately, also its been almost three months since I saw a movie in theater. GB unexpectedly turned up on last friday to go out for dinner, which was very nice considering that I was very upset that day. I miss Pune. Maybe I will get used to Bangalore. Nostalgia is a strange thing, I remember when I was new in Pune I used to miss IITG, of all things when I was there I couldn’t wait to get out of there. Heh.